NET STRING{/LEFT=n}{/RIGHT=n} variable string1 {string2} Assigns a string to an environment variable optionally extracting a range of characters from the string. When two string are specified they are first concatinated before any characters are extracted. /LEFT=n Left (1 based) index to begin extraction. Negative index denotes backward indexing. /RIGHT=n Right (1 based) index to end extraction. Negative index denotes backward indexing. variable Pre-existing environment variable to receive string. string1 String to assign to environment variable. string2 Option second string to concatinate after string2 Special strings available: ?"prompt" Prompts for input with echo. Expands to typed input. ^"prompt" Prompts for input with no echo. Expands to typed input. !"DATE" Expands to the current date !"DIRECTORY" Expands to current disk and directory !"ETEXT=n" Expands to error text associated with error number n !"FILE=pathname" Expands to the first line contained in the file. !"INSTALLED" Expands to characters corresponding to installed programs (NRSP). N=NETBIOS R=REDIR S=SERVER P=LANPUP -=Not installed !"LOGIN=server" Expands to TRUE if logged in to server, otherwise it expands to FALSE. !"NODEID" Expands to the current 12 digit NETBIOS node number !"MACHINEID" Expands to the machine name !"PROGRAM" Expands to the full path of the NET program !"TIME" Expands to the current time